Thursday, September 16, 2010

Teeter Totter

So i feel like i have been on one of these for the past few months. I have been going "back and forth " on the subject of having another kid.... Matt and I both know we want another one but its just hard to decide WHEN is the right time... Hunter is 3 and will be 4 in Feb. and Taggart just turned 2 in August. So i definitely have my hands full , but i really don't want a HUGE gap between the kids.... especially if its a boy because I WILL NOT have more than 3 boys:) I also am almost 5 years older than Danielle and although now you would never notice ... growing up we hardly had anything in common, I was just bossy....and she was just annoying. ANYWAYS, I am sure all you moms out there have gone through something similar so I need some advice. I know that every person is different..... I do have to add that I already made a HUGE step by taking out my IUD in July... I had been praying about it and knew that I needed to be ABLE to at least get pregnant if it was "meant to be" and that wouldn't happen with that in. SO that was one big step already. But i am just debating on timing... Matt wants to wait until the beginning of next year to start "TALKING ABOUT IT" and he said if it happens before then (by some chance) then he is ready for one... but i really don't want to have a baby in the PEAK of sick season ( we all know my kids track record with RSV) so i am torn.... I had to finally write down my frustrations so i do not drive myself crazy with my slight case of OCD i have seemed to acquired. You are all probably reading this thinking I am crazy and I probably am....Oh well


Devyn said...

I feel like I'm reading my very own journal :) Except I haven't taken that first BIG step of taking out my IUD.. and my husband won't even begin to talk about it. My heart is just breaking a little bit :) MY advice is to leave it in Heavenly Father's hands. I guess I'm not the best person to give advice because I seem to be in the same boat.

Shanna said...

I don't think you're crazy at all! do you know hard it was for me to say "oooooohh-kay, lets try for our first!" But ya know what i've learned being pregnant? The Lord was just waiting for US! He knew in our hearts a baby was what we wanted and He knows the joy they are, so why wouldn't He want us to have that blessing? We just had to face our fears.(well MY fears) but that was OUR answer. I think you'll never regret it, but you want to make sure YOU can do it. don't go insane! ha ha and make sure you're BOTH on board.

Shannon Masayo said...

oh man i want another baby so bad, i have not been on birth control for over a year!!!! i keep taking tests when i miss a period but we are not trying and money wise not ready, but yet we want to. so we just go with the flow. which is kind of dumb but figure if we are meant to we will. i was told before having the girls that i probably couldn't have kids so what the heck. good luck. and i think if you are both talking about it you know it is time, you both already know what you want. so just take the plunge.

Whitney said...

You are all right... my heart tells me its right and I know that when the time is RIGHT it will happen... I guess I will just put it in the lords hands and enjoy the kids I have:) Love you girls so much! Thanks for making me realize I am not alone:)

Kami said...

Oh Whits. These decisions are so hard. If there is anything I have learned from all 3 of my pregnancies it is that no matter what I try to plan for in my life, the Lord has His own plan for me and that's the one that is going to happen! :)
Good luck. Love you lots!