Getting to know us!
Name and Meaning: Timothy Hunter Gailey .... Timothy is his grandpas name and Hunter is Matts and Matts Grandpas middle nameso we decided to keep it as his middle name to keep up the tradition but call him Hunter
Taggart Wells Gailey , we got the name from a few places but we love the restruant Taggarts in Morgan , Wells is his great grandpas name
Age: Hunter is 18 months & Taggart will be 1 month on Sunday
Birthday: Hunter: February 13, 2007 Taggart: August 7, 2008
Nicknames: Hunta Gay, Boy, Naughty.... Tag man , Taggy Waggy, T, baby boy
I am only going to answer the rest of the questions about Hunter because all Tag does is eat sleep poop and cry
Favorite Activities:Hunter loves anything that involves a ball... he loves to dance and be with his family especially his new brother
Favorite foods: Everything! Well except peanut butter! Wierd I know....
Least Favorite Foods: Peanut Butter
Favorite Music: Anything really. He loves the Mamma Mia songs but will dance to about anything
Favorite Toys: He loves balls like I said but he is kinda obsessed with having to wear a hat and sunglasses
What makes me Happy: Cookies, attention, and just playing all day
What makes me sad: When he has to go to bed. Or when he does something naughty and has to sit on time out
Tags: We tag all of you with kids!
Making A Mudroom Bench
5 years ago
1 comment:
Those are some fun facts about your cute kids! Peanut butter, huh? Funny! You look beautiful by the way, Whit. Hunter looks so much like you!
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